K-12 STEM Education

NCGR is committed to reaching out to the community and training skilled scientists. We are very active in the K-12 arena, where we strive to help students think critically about the world around them and to build their capacity and confidence in understanding and creating scientific knowledge. We seek to provide inspiration, guidance, and training for students considering STEM career paths and to enhance interest and capability in science for all students.

Grade School

Science Tools in the Classroom

As part of an NIH Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA), NCGR, New Mexico State University, and Indiana University scientists and educators partnered with K-12 teachers to develop DNA-based case studies and educational units for their classrooms.

Santa Fe Public School District Professional Development

In conjunction with Santa Fe Public Schools, NCGR hosted three teacher development sessions in spring 2018 to teach teachers about DNA sequencing and analysis and to train them in teaching computer-based case studies and molecular biology labs. Training was given to middle school, high school, and advanced placement science teachers.

STEM Summer Camp

NCGR hosted a STEM summer camp during the summers of 2017 and 2018 in conjunction with Santa Fe High School and supported by the National Science Foundation. The camp was for middle school and incoming high school students. NCGR instructors taught a session on bioinformatics both summers as well as in 2015 when the camp had a different funding source.

Career speaker, Breakthrough Santa Fe

Since 2015 NCGR has participated in Breakthrough Santa Fe’s Career Day, presenting career information and hands-on activities and case studies for students to learn about bioinformatics as a career option. Breakthrough Santa Fe is an intensive summer program that helps underserved students, starting in middle school, develop the skills and confidence to get on track for college.

Santa Fe Public School STEM Advisory Committee and Community Partner

An NCGR Scientist has served on the Santa Fe Public School STEM Advisory committee and as a community partner since Jan 2018.

Classroom Outreach, Fieldtrips, STEM fairs, STEM workshops

NCGR scientists regular visit classrooms, host fieldtrips at NCGR, participate in science fair judging, run activities for STEM fairs, and teach STEM workshops.

High School

High School Biology Capstone Program

A high school mentoring program since 2012 that teaches students about DNA sequencing and analysis, helps them to create DNA-base educational case studies for their peers. They also create a poster about the case study and present it at a local bioinformatics conference. Some of the case studies have been published with high school students as co-authors.

Summer Sequencing Institute

Beginning in 2019, high school students who have completed the capstone program (see above) and undergraduate students have the opportunity to do a summer two-week program in which they sequence and analyze a DNA sample. In 2019, students sequenced red alder nodules and identified the microorganisms present.

Science Tools in the Classroom

As part of an NIH Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA), NCGR, New Mexico State University, and Indiana University scientists and educators partnered with K-12 teachers to develop DNA-based case studies and educational units for their classrooms.

Santa Fe Public School District Professional Development

In conjunction with Santa Fe Public Schools, NCGR hosted three teacher development sessions in spring 2018 to teach teachers about DNA sequencing and analysis and to train them in teaching computer-based case studies and molecular biology labs. Training was given to middle school, high school, and advanced placement science teachers.

Bio-prospecting for biofuel organisms

In conjunction with the Girl Scouts of America, NCGR and Santa Fe Community College scientists worked with girl scouts to collect samples, examine them under the microscope and flowcam, extract DNA, and analyze the sequencing results.

Santa Fe Public School STEM Advisory Committee and Community Partner

An NCGR Scientist has served on the Santa Fe Public School STEM Advisory committee and as a community partner since Jan 2018.

Classroom Outreach, Fieldtrips, STEM fairs, STEM workshops

NCGR scientists regular visit classrooms, host fieldtrips at NCGR, participate in science fair judging, run activities for STEM fairs, and teach STEM workshops.

About NCGR

The National Center for Genome Resources is a not-for-profit research institute that innovates, collaborates, and educates in the field of genomic data science. As leaders in DNA sequence analysis, we partner with government, industry, and academia to drive biological discovery in all kingdoms of life. We deliver value through expertise in experimental design, software, computation, data integration and training a skilled workforce.



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