Software Engineering

NCGR's original mission was to provide software and database support for the Department of Energy's contributions to the Human Genome Project. Although technologies have continued to change rapidly throughout the life of the organization, our focus on the design and implementation of systems appropriately engineered to address the evolving needs of life science research communities has been an ongoing driver of the NCGR culture. We recognize a distinction between the demands of research-oriented/prototypical code and those production-level systems in support of large communities; but, we also believe that the most critical factor for success in either area is having open, clear communication between researchers and developers, and encouraging members of our team to participate in activities throughout the continuum between research and development to deployment.
Examples of some of the software systems and online resources NCGR has developed in whole or in collaboration with other groups is given below. We welcome opportunities to develop new approaches to problems facing researchers in the field of the life sciences, whether their solutions may require novel algorithms, custom database development, innovative user interfaces and visualization or adaptation of existing tools into integrated user-friendly contexts.

About NCGR

The National Center for Genome Resources is a not-for-profit research institute that innovates, collaborates, and educates in the field of genomic data science. As leaders in DNA sequence analysis, we partner with government, industry, and academia to drive biological discovery in all kingdoms of life. We deliver value through expertise in experimental design, software, computation, data integration and training a skilled workforce.


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